Doctors Search
With maximum professional training and empathy, more than 100 specialists are at the disposal of our patients. For complex problems, they decide the appropriate course of treatment, and the necessary examinations and therapies within the framework of a consultation.
Mariann Balázsy M.D.
Ophthalmologist -
József Mátyás Baló Prof. M.D.
Dermatologist, allergologist -
Illés Balogh M.D.
Endocrinologist, gynecologist -
Gyöngyvér Bánhegyi M.D.
Anesthesiologist, psychotherapist -
László Barkai, M.D. Ph.D. DSc.
Diabetology, endocrinology, pediatric, pediatric endocrinology, pediatric pulmonology, head of pediatric -
Zsuzsanna Barkó M.D.
Internal medicine, nephrologist, clinical immunologist -
Magdolna Békeffy M.D.
Internal medicine, occupational health care -
Tamás Bense M.D.
Pediatrician, nephrologist -
Borbála Beta M.D.
Occupational health care -
Bogdán Anita Ágnes
Dietitian -
Marianna Borsodi M.D.
Anesthesiologist -
Zsuzsa Buchinger M.D.
Occupational health care, internal medicine -
Márta Éva Csécsei M.D.
Infant and pediatrician, neonatologist -
Judit Csiki M.D.
Rheumatologist -
Éva Csikós M.D.
Occupational health care -
Ágnes Csitos M.D.
Dermatologist, pediatric dermatologist -
Noémi Csoszánszki M.D.
Pediatrician, gastroenterologist -
Zita Dobák
Dietitian, certified nutritionist -
Olivér Domaraczki M.D.
Orthopedic traumatologist -
Bernadett Doránt
Midwife -
Balázs Dóri
Audiologist, auditory acoustic -
Imre Dreissiger M.D.
Pediatrician, pediatric orthopedist -
Dániel Dubecz M.D.
Obstetrician - gynecologist -
Zsófia Duska
Physiotherapist -
András Erbszt M.D.
Orthopaedist, spine surgeon -
Pál Fél M.D.
Urologist -
Rita Fülöp M.D.
Radiologist -
Henrik Gabulya M.D.
Gynecologist - obstetrician -
János Gacs M.D.
Plastic surgeon -
Zoltán Görömbey M.D.
Endocrinologist -
Gabriella Győri M.D.
Radiologist -
Judit Halász M.D.
Neurologist -
László Rudolf Hangody M.D. PH.D
Orthopedic traumatologist -
György Márk Hangody M.D. Ph.D.
Orthopedic traumatologist -
László Hangody, M.D., PH.D., D.Sc.
Orthopedic traumatologist -
Edit Harasta, M.D.
Gastroenterologist, surgeon -
Csilla Havrancsik, M.D.
Cardiologist -
László Horváth M.D.
Surgeon -
Horváth Mária
Physiotherapist -
Sándor Ilniczky M.D.
Neurologist -
Kinga Jakab M.D.
Dermatologist, aesthetic dermatologist -
Marianna Joó M.D.
Ophthalmologist -
Éva Junger M.D.
Head of outpatient care, internal medicine, cardiologist, occupational health care -
Erzsébet Jurás, M.D.
Internal medicine, anesthesiologist, occupational health care -
Tamás Kálovics M.D.
Infant and pediatrician -
Tamás Kertész M.D.
Internal medicine, diabetologist, clinical pharmacologist -
Attila András Kiss M.D.
Obstetrician, gynecologist -
Jenő Kiss, M.D. Ph.D
Orthopedic surgeon, trauma surgeon, hand surgeon -
Andrea Kocsis-Barna
Aesthetician assistant and beautician -
László Környei M.D.
Pediatric cardiologist -
Zsigmond Kovács
Ophthalmology -
János Balázs Kovács M.D.
Surgeon -
Magdolna Krasznai Ph.D. M.D.
Otolaryngology, pediatric otolaryngology, audiologist, allergologist -
László Lakatos M.D.
Psychiatrist -
Adam Lelbach Prof. Dr. habil.
Specialist in internal medicine, gastroenterology and geriatric medicine, hypertonologist -
Gabriella Lengyel , MD, CSc, Habil.
Internal medicine, gastroenterology, hepatology -
Gabriella Liszkay Prof. M.D. Ph.D. Med. Habil
Dermatologist -
Irén Ludvig
Nursing director -
Katalin Major M.D.
Pulmonologist -
Viktor Málik M.D.
Urologist -
Diána Mocsári M.D.
Proctology, Surgery -
Béla Ákos Molnár M.D.
Plastic surgeon -
István Molnár M.D.
Plastic surgeon -
Behzad Nadianmehr M.D.
Orthopedic and trauma surgeon -
Ambrus Nagy M.D.
Urologist -
Katalin Annamária Nagy M.D.
Dermatologist -
László Nehéz M.D. PHD
Surgeon -
Ildikó Németh M.D.
Radiologist -
Dorottya Némethné H.
Physiotherapist -
Gabriella Nyíri M.D.
Anesthesiologist -
György Oszlánszky M.D.
Radiologist -
Mária Ozsváth M.D.
Ophthalmologist -
Beatrix Patai M.D.
Internal medicine, occupational health care -
Tamás Pék M.D.
Infectologist -
Dr. Rosta Gábor
Urologist -
Anna Sárai M.D.
Internal medicine, cardiologist, occupation - medical specialist -
József Simon M.D.
Pediatric, pediatric cardiology -
György Sobor M.D.
Plastic surgeon -
Mónika Solymos M.D.
Internal medicine, cardiology -
Zita Sükösd M.D.
Pediatric surgeon -
Gábor Szakolczay-Vrábel M.D.
Otorhinolaryngologist -
Ica Szász
Physiotherapist -
Béla Székács M.D. Ph.D D.Sc.
Internal medicine, nephrologist, hypertonologist, specialist is geriatric medicine -
Rita Szőke
Special needs educator, speech therapist -
Éva Szombathelyi M.D.
Clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, psychotherapist -
Ádám Tahy M.D.
Anesthesiologist, specialist in intensive therapy -
Judit Tamás M.D.
Plastic surgeon -
Laura Tamás-Hangody M.D.
Radiologist -
Ildikó Tárnok M.D.
Pulmonologist -
Péter Tenke Prof. M.D.
Urologist -
György Tibay M.D.
Orthopedic traumatologist -
Zoltán Tomcsik M.D.
Gastroenterologist -
Ildikó Török M.D.
Internal medicine, cardiologist -
Iván Udvarhelyi M.D.
Orthopedic traumatologist -
Fatima Varga M.D.
Internal medicine, endocrinology, hematology -
Nóra Varsányi M.D.
Radiologist -
Gábor Vásárhelyi M.D.
Orthopedic traumatologist -
Attila Velich M.D.
Otolaryngology, pediatric otolaryngology, audiologist -
Malvin Visnyei M.D.
Ophthalmologist, pediatrician ophthamologist -
Veronika Volner M.D.
Ophthalmologist -
Bernadett Voloncs M.D.
Internal medicine, cardiologist -
Viola Weszelits M.D. P.HD