Rheumatology is a specialized field for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, which cures lesions, pain and stiffness of tendons, joints, muscles and bones with conservative, i.e. non-surgical intervention. This includes autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or metabolic diseases (e.g. gout), other inflammatory disorders, joint abrasions, osteoporosis, spinal wear and tear and inflammatory conditions, pain caused by strain (including tennis elbows, frozen shoulders and swollen flat feet).
Many diseases originating internally have musculoskeletal symptoms, therefore close cooperation with doctors in other areas is essential. A special emphasis is placed on the work of physiotherapists who are involved, in close cooperation with the patient, with harmonizing joint movement and gait, maintaining balance and strengthening weakened muscles.
Rheumatological problems can occur in anyone, regardless of age or gender. Early detection and effective treatment of severe inflammatory rheumatological diseases, even at a young age, can significantly alter their outcome and the patient's quality of life.