Pediatric allergology

Allergic conditions can take many forms, which can occur at almost any age, and their incidence in children, adolescents and young adults is constantly increasing worldwide. They can affect the airways (chronic cough, shortness of breath, asthma, laryngeal edema), the eyes (itchy eyes, conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis), the nasal mucosa (nasal congestion, chronic rhinitis, hay fever), the skin (eczema, rashes, hives) and intestinal tract (food sensitivity, food allergies). Genetic predisposition and environmental influences are involved in their development, and the triggering of certain diseases can be considered as pathological reactions to external influences (mostly so-called allergens).

When and with what kind of complaints should you consult a pediatric allergist?

Each allergic disease typically begins at a certain age. Atopic dermatitis affecting the skin and food allergies appear in infancy, and asthma is most common in infants and schoolchildren. Hay fever usually occurs during adolescence, although in recent years its onset has shifted toward a younger age. If the diseases are detected early, the consequences of the development of serious or even life-threatening conditions (e.g., respiratory failure) and deteriorating quality of life (hospital treatment, school absenteeism, loss of working hours) can be well managed and avoided.

Pediatric allergology tests

Today, we have a wide range of diagnostic options for investigation. After mapping the predisposition, we perform targeted, special examinations using laboratory (allergy panels, immunology), allergological (skin tests) and imaging (x-ray, ultrasound, CT) diagnostic methods, but other specialist medical examinations in our institution may also be involved (dermatology, ophthalmology, ear-nose -throat, pediatric gastroenterology, pediatric pulmonology).

As a result of the examination of allergic diseases, it is possible to make correct diagnoses and correct any erroneous diagnoses. As a result of accurate surveys, we can avoid inappropriate treatments and provide individualized, effective complex treatments (lifestyle and medicated therapies) to our patients.

How should you arrive for the examination?

It is important to bring previous documentation related to the disease or complaints.