Manager screenings

In our comprehensive manager screening packages, we focus on the investigation of malignancies, cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders, taking into account the extra burdens of our stressful, busy lives. Each manager screening package includes specialist, imaging, laboratory and diagnostic examinations too. We prepare a specialist’s summary of the examination results, from which our patients get an overview of their health and the further actions necessary to maintain it.

We offer our costumers three different manager screening packages, the comparison of packages is available HERE.

Our manager screening packages

We recommend our Standard manager screening package to those who would like an overview of their health status. In addition to detailed internal medicine, gynecology/urology and ophthalmology specialist examinations, numerous laboratory and imaging diagnostic tests help to detect the most predominant diseases that have not yet caused complaints. Further details can be found HERE. 

We recommend our Komplex manager screening package primarily to those who, in addition to the Standard manager screening, would like more emphasis on the investigation of cardiovascular and dermatological diseases. In addition to more detailed laboratory and ultrasound examinations than those included in the Standard screening package, we also perform stress ECG and heart ultrasound tests during the cardiology examination. For more details, see HERE.

Our Superior manager screening is our most involved examination package. In addition to the examinations included in the Komplex screening package, it includes several additional medical and diagnostic tests with the aim of obtaining a thorough picture of the state of each organ system. As part of the Superior screening package, we also perform a tumor marker examination and a videodermatoscopic examination of skin moles. More details can be found HERE.

Detailed information about the screening process and the examinations included in the individual screening packages is available HERE.