What body plastic surgery procedures are available at Dr. Rose Private Hospital?
Tummy tuck
After pregnancy or major weight loss, the skin of the abdomen can become loose and wrinkled, often associated with weakening of the abdominal muscles. This aesthetic problem can significantly affect self-esteem, make exercise uncomfortable and make it difficult to dress fashionably. Of course, everyone wants a youthful and firm shape, which is why tummy tuck surgery is one of the most commonly requested body contouring procedures. Abdominoplasty surgery helps you regain a flat, firm stomach by removing a large amount of excess fat and skin. Our surgeons mobilise the entire abdominal wall and then stretch the skin to create a shapely figure. The procedure takes an average of 2-3 hours, followed by a single night's rest in our private hospital.
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In many cases, even the strictest diet and exercise routine cannot provide the desired results, as weight loss only reduces the volume of fat cells, but does not reduce their amount. With liposuction, excess fat can be removed from the abdomen, thighs, knees and waist, resulting a slimmer body. The most important advantage of the procedure is its durability, as the fat cells removed are no longer able to reproduce in the future. It is important to emphasise, however, that liposuction is not a substitute for diet and regular exercise, but a complement to it. After the procedure, you will experience a very positive change not so much in the number of kilograms, but rather in the way you look in the mirror.
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With aging or after major weight loss, the thigh can sag significantly. By removing fatty tissue and stretched skin, your thighs can be restored to their previous firmness. The procedure mainly affects people over the age of 40, but may also be necessary for younger people due to genetics or drastic weight loss. The scars left by the surgery will remain hidden, so it will not be noticeable that you have had a thigh lift. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia and takes 2-2.5 hours. You will spend one day in our private hospital after the thigh lift surgery, where you will be able to rest comfortably. Visible scars usually disappear completely after six months, and subcutaneous scars take 2 years to heal completely.
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Arm lift
The skin of the upper arm can sag significantly over the years, but even at a young age, a massive weight loss can result in a sagging layer of skin. Even with regular exercise, the arm is particularly difficult to lose weight, and to tighten it would require building up major muscle mass. Our plastic surgeons create upper arm firmness through liposuction and the removal of excess skin, ensuring long-lasting results. Your arms will be more toned and you can bring that sleeveless top out of the wardrobe again.
If only liposuction is required, the surgery takes 1.5 hours. If excess skin is also removed, you should expect 2-2.5 hours. Our surgeons use only absorbable sutures in all cases.
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Lower body lift
Sagging of the lower torso and weakening of the muscles can often be aesthetically unpleasing. This problem is most common in cases of major weight loss. While exercise can be used to shape the lower torso, a significant change can be achieved with a lower body lift. Body contouring is also done in the abdomen, hips and back to give a more contoured and toned body.
The lower body lift procedure takes 4-6 hours, followed by two nights in our private hospital where you can relax in a comfortable and pleasant environment.
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Upper torso surgery
You can regain the fullness and firmness of the chest with an upper torso lift. Through the operation, we remove the stretched skin and excess fat around the breasts, back, armpits and torso, giving your upper torso an impressive transformation. The shaping of the body contours will ensure the desired body for the long term.
The operation takes 4-6 hours, after which you will need to rest for two nights in our private hospital.
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Intimate plastic surgery
By intimate plastic surgery we mean several procedures, so the operation can be vaginoplasty, labiaplasty or pubic mound contouring. Intimate plastic surgery helps you achieve a desirable shape and also helps improve the quality of sex life. Whether you are looking to reduce the size of your labia or strengthen the muscles of your vagina, the professionals at Dr. Rose Private Hospital are at your service.
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Post-weight loss body contouring
The post-weight loss period can be extremely difficult, because even if you look at the scale and see a favourable result, you may not see your ideal shape in the mirror because of sagging skin. By tightening the stretched skin and removing the remaining fatty tissue, impressive results can be achieved in the abdomen, but also in the waist, upper body, arms and thighs if necessary.
After the procedure, you will need to spend two nights in our private hospital and then wear a special corset provided by us for 8 weeks. You will need the support of an assistant for the first 8 days after the operation, after which you can step by step return to your previous lifestyle.
More information about post-weight loss surgery >>
Post-pregnancy body contouring
Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life, but it also means a complete transformation of the female body, changing body proportions, disappearing former contours, which can often lead to loss of self-confidence and psychological problems. A postnatal mommy makeover is usually a combined (multi-area) plastic surgery procedure, mainly involving the breasts and abdomen.
All our procedures are performed under general anaesthesia and the operation takes between 3-6 hours. After the operation, you will have to stay one or two nights in our hospital.
More information about post-pregnancy body surgery >>
- We have a team of professional plastic surgeons. You're guaranteed to be in the best hands, with our skilled medical staff and the latest technology to ensure your goals are met.
- We will help you with empathy and patience. Empathy and helpfulness are the key features of our work from start to finish.
- Exclusive environment. Our premium in-patient department has 3 operating theatres and 19 patient rooms with 25 beds to meet all your needs. The highest professional standards meet a unique healing environment where you can recover in safety and peace.
If you have any questions about body plastic surgery, please contact the doctors at Dr. Rose Private Hospital.