Endometrial ablation

Endometrial ablation, also known as uterine ablation or curettage, can have several indications, either diagnostic or therapeutic. Diagnostic ablation is when we need information about the endometrium for diagnostic purposes, or when we suspect a malignancy or other lesion. A therapeutic ablation is when we remove the endometrium because of a prolonged bleeding disorder. The operation is performed under general anesthetic and is usually a one-day procedure unless the patient has a general underlying medical condition that requires several days in hospital.

What preliminary tests are required?

In addition to a gynaecological examination, laboratory tests and anaesthetic consultation are required before the procedure, and in certain cases an ECG and chest X-ray may be necessary. 

How should patients prepare for an endometrial ablation?

Endometrial ablation surgery is a one-day surgical procedure. The patient can leave our institution the same day, after 5-6 hours of observation following the operation. The patient will need to prepare for 7 to 10 days of physical rest after the operation.

How is endometrial ablation surgery performed?

The surgery is performed under general anesthetic. During anesthesia, the cervix is dilated, and the endometrium is removed through the open cervix.

What should patients do after the surgery?

The most important thing after an endometrial ablation is to spare yourself from physical exertion, with a week to 10 days of rest after the operation. Sexual activity, submerged bathing and physical work should be avoided after the operation. The tissue removed during the operation will be sent for histological examination and, once the results are available, a follow-up examination will be carried out to determine whether further treatment is necessary. Depending on the results of the histological findings, a treatment plan will be drawn up for both benign and malignant cases.

What are the risks of the surgery?

Endometrial ablation, like all surgical procedures, can be associated with bleeding, injury and inflammatory complications. With antibiotic treatment before and after surgery, and with disinfection according to protocol, the chances of these occurring are minimal.

Endometrial ablation surgery fees

You can find our current prices on the price list

Why choose Dr. Rose Private Hospital?

  • Skilled specialists, modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.
  • Empathetic, people-oriented approach. Our specialists always keep the comfort and safety of our patients in mind.
  • Premium quality inpatient department. 3 operating theatres and 24 patient rooms with 33 beds to meet all your needs. The highest professional standards together with an exclusive healing environment mean you can recover in safety and with complete peace of mind.
  • Fast and predictable appointments. Within 1-2 weeks from the first consultation with a specialist, we will arrange an appointment for the necessary intervention.

For all your gynecological complaints, feel free to contact the doctors at Dr. Rose Private Hospital.