In childhood, diseases of the respiratory system can extend to the upper and lower respiratory tract, and can be congenital or acquired diseases.
Pediatric pulmonology
When and with what kind of complaints should you see a pediatric pulmonologist?
Most often, viral or bacterial inflammations of the respiratory tract (rhinitis, sore throat, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia) are the most common causes of respiratory inflammatory diseases. Respiratory inflammatory diseases can occur at any age from birth to adulthood, however, different pathogens must be considered for each age. In newborns and infants, developmental disorders (bronchoconstriction) and hereditary diseases (cystic fibrosis) are also to be reckoned with, however, in later ages, from infancy to early childhood, asthma of allergic and non-allergic origin gradually becomes the most common disease. In addition, allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (hay fever) are becoming increasingly common in adolescence, which may be associated with allergic conditions of other organs (eyes, skin).
What examination options are there in the field of pediatric pulmonology?
Diagnosis of respiratory diseases is not an easy task, as the most common symptoms - such as a prolonged cough, laboured breathing, fatigue or debility - can be associated with many diseases (chronic inflammation, focal infections, acid reflux, heart disease, asthma) and environmental triggers (allergy, tobacco smoke, air pollution). In order to make an accurate diagnosis, knowledge of the circumstances of birth and of any family occurrences, and the possible mapping of triggers, is essential. In our institute, we can perform detailed laboratory examinations (allergological, immunological), along with diagnostics (respiratory function) and the use of imaging procedures (x-ray, CT).
Treatment options
Treatments differ depending on the diagnosis made. In case of acute infectious respiratory diseases, antibiotic and/or symptomatic treatment (nebulization, mucosal dissolution, bronchodilator therapy) may be required. In the case of chronic respiratory symptoms, the possible underlying disease is treated (e.g., reflux), and in the most common case, asthma is treated on a long-term basis. In this context, long-term inhaled anti-inflammatory treatment (prevention of seizures) and occasional bronchodilator medicines (bronchodilator anticonvulsants) are used. In cases with an allergic background, antiallergic preparations are used. In addition to medications, it is of paramount importance to follow non-medicated lifestyle recommendations (allergens, tobacco smoke) and lifestyle guidance.
How should you arrive for the examination?
We ask you to please bring previous documentation related to the illness or complaints.