There are various clinical indications for vaginoplasty. Distinctions are made between those with a weakening of the anterior vaginal wall and those with a weakening of the posterior vaginal wall, or those with a lax vaginal wall due to a tissue disorder, for which vaginoplasty may be necessary. Weakening of the vaginal wall can be caused both by giving birth and by a connective tissue disorder. Depending on the symptoms, a separate anterior and posterior wall, or a combined anterior and posterior vaginoplasty may be performed.
What are the symptoms that may arise in relation to vaginoplasty?
Complaints are wide-ranging, with the vast majority of patients reporting vaginal foreign body sensations or discomfort during sex, and these lesions can also cause vaginal pain.
What preliminary tests are required?
In addition to a gynaecological examination, laboratory tests and anaesthetic consultation are required prior to vaginoplasty, and in certain cases an ECG and chest X-ray may be necessary.
How should I prepare for vaginoplasty surgery?
Preparing for a vaginoplasty requires mainly logistical organization, as a 4–6-week rest period after surgery is the most important factor. It is recommended to schedule the surgery after the period of menstruation. No other preparation is required for vaginoplasty surgery.
How is the surgery performed?
Vaginoplasty can be performed under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. During the operation, following appropriate disinfection and preparation, and in most cases after insertion of a catheter, the reconstruction of the vaginal wall is performed. We mainly use absorbable sutures, depending on whether we are performing isolated anterior or posterior or combined anterior-posterior vaginal wall reconstruction. The surgery is always followed by antibiotic treatment.
What to do after vaginoplasty surgery?
After the operation, our patients spend one night in our hospital. After a vaginoplasty, you will need 4-6 weeks of rest. Bed rest is essential to avoid short- and long-term complications. Sexual activity, submerged bathing and physical exertion should be avoided after surgery. These can lead to suture failure and inflammation and inhibit the healing process.
What are the risks of vaginoplasty surgery?
Complications of vaginoplasty surgery, like any other gynecological surgery, can include bleeding, injury or inflammatory complications. The chances of these occurring are minimal with preoperative and postoperative antibiotic treatment and disinfection according to protocol.
The cost of vaginoplasty surgery
You can find our current prices under the price list link.
- Skilled specialists, modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.
- Empathetic, people-oriented approach. Our specialists always keep the comfort and safety of our patients in mind.
- Premium quality inpatient department. 3 operating theatres and 24 patient rooms with 33 beds to meet all your needs. The highest professional standards together with an exclusive healing environment mean you can recover in safety and with complete peace of mind.
- Fast and predictable appointments. Within 1-2 weeks from the first consultation with a specialist, we will arrange an appointment for the necessary intervention.
For all your gynecological complaints, feel free to contact the doctors at Dr. Rose Private Hospital.