Mária Ozsváth M.D.



1979 - Semmelweis University of Medicine

Eye specialist, Social Medicine specialist

Ultrasound Proficiency Exam, Acupuncture Skills Exam

1991 - Marx K. University of Economics - MSc in Economics

2002 - ELTE - Doctor of Medicine with a Legal Professional Certificate


2002 - 2015 Medicover Plc., Budapest - outpatient ophthalmology, ophthalmologic screening as part of occupational healthcare services

1992 - 2015 Fotex Ofotért Ltd., Budapest - insertion of contact lenses, ordering spectacles, outpatient practice

1988 - 1991 National Aeromedical Hospital and Honvéd Hospital, Kecskemét - outpatient clinic, outpatient surgery, cataract surgery, ambulatory surgery

1988 - 1991 Ophthalmologist, Nagykőrös - outpatient clinic, outpatient surgery, managing the ophthalmic practice as chief medical officer, ophthalmic patient care in hospital

1983 - 1988 Ophthalmic  Resident, Cegléd

1988 - 2006 ÁNTSZ-OTH, Budapest - Patient's Representative as an M.D. with legal certificate, an Honoris Causa eye trainer (Natural Health Practitioner), chief physician of Komplementer Medicina

2000 - 2002 Humán Plc., Gödöllő - as a physician-economist representative of Southern Hungary and Budapest 

Language skills

English, German 


Dr. Ozsváth Mária

Consulting hours

13.00 - 16.00
08.00 - 14.00