1990 - Eötvös Loránd University Department of Personality and Clinical Psychology: sensory integration therapies
1991 - Hungary Relaxation and Therapeutic Association Symbol: Autogenous training
1999 - EGO Clinic: Mother infant consultation courses
2002 - MAGYE speech perception diagnostics and therapy
2003 - Meditation, Relaxation and imagination
2004 - EEG feedback specialization
2003 - Eötvös Loránd University: special pedagogy, special needs teacher
2006 - ELTE, BGGYTF, speech therapist
1992 - National Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Pediatics Psychiatry Department
1997 - Heim Pál Pediatrics Hospital, Epilepsy Centre
2005 - Buda Pediatrics Hospital Department of Neurology and Epilepsy Center
2008 - Dr. Rose Private Hospital