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Manager screenings - not just for managers

Manager screening was first recommended by multinational companies to their senior employees to ensure the health of workers exposed to high workloads and stress through screening tests. Nowadays, one of the most important parts of disease prevention is the comprehensive annual screening that is recommended for any job and life situation. According to Dr. habil Ádám Lelbach, a specialist in internal medicine and gastroenterology at Dr. Rose Private Hospital, in addition to a healthy diet, a physically active lifestyle and the screening and early detection of diseases is one of the secrets of longevity.

Sunbathe wisely!

Summer is here again, the carefree period of holidays, the beach, and sunbathing. So, let’s prepare for the summer season so that our skin doesn’t get lasting memories. While enjoying the summer and various outdoor activities, we need to protect our skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation. According to research by the Mayo Clinic in America, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, with more than 2 million cases diagnosed each year, and one in five Americans developing skin cancer. Unfortunately, these proportions are similar in the rest of the world. The steps for prevention are summarized here by Dr. Zsófia Hatvani, PhD, a dermatologist at Dr. Rose Private Hospital.

When to see a psychiatrist?

More and more people are interested in topics that start with ’psych-’, but sometimes people confuse what a psychiatrist does, and the differences between a psychologist and a psychiatrist. The main difference is in undergraduate education because a psychology degree can be obtained from the Faculty of Humanities of universities, while a psychiatry degree can be obtained as a professional examination following a general medical degree.

Mandatory and recommended vaccinations for children

The patent for the first vaccine is related to English surgeon Edward Jenner, who, by chance, turned to experimenting with the inoculants, resulting in the smallpox vaccine he invented in 1798. The first compulsory smallpox vaccine was introduced in Hungary in 1876. In 1967, approximately 10 million people contracted the disease, and as a result of the subsequent vaccination program, smallpox is now an infectious disease that has been eradicated worldwide.

Breast cancer screening at Dr. Rose Private Hospital

In Hungary, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, and the most important tool in the fight against breast cancer is regular screening. Regular screening plays a key role, as diseases diagnosed in time have a better chance of being cured and complications can be prevented. At Dr. Rose Private Hospital, we pay special attention to prevention, i.e., disease prevention and early detection. The most important information about breast cancer screening is summarized here by Dr. Ildikó Németh, chief physician and head of the Radiology department.

Treatment of pollen allergy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Based on the climatic and geographical conditions of Hungary, we can distinguish three main pollen seasons, ranging from late February to late October, depending on the weather. After a season of early blossoming trees, grass pollen reigns in the airspace, and complaints have already begun in those sensitive to it. Our questions about pollen allergy during the COVID-19 pandemic are answered by Dr. Magdolna Krasznai PhD, an ear-nose-throat specialist and allergist at Dr. Rose Private Hospital.

Headaches - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Most frequent headache sufferers believe that, unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done and that headaches will accompany them throughout their lives, so they do not seek medical attention for this problem and thus do not receive adequate care. The most common headache type is migraine, affecting 10-20 percent of people.


For new mothers who, genetically-speaking, are not as lucky as Jessica Alba or Beyoncé, plastic surgery can help them regain their shape. A survey on postnatal shape correction, conducted in several countries, revealed that most pregnant women are already thinking about how to get rid of the excess weight that has accumulated here and there, and a large percentage are planning some kind of plastic surgery.

Spring detox in 4 steps

By detoxing, we are not referring to various cleansing regimes, ’miracle pills’ or X-day courses of juice fasting, but primarily the regular consumption of foods that help our body’s own natural detoxification processes by supporting the liver, kidneys, and our gastrointestinal tract, as well as providing valuable nutrients for our body from which we can get into top form in a short time. In spring, countless such seasonal ingredients are available - check out what is good eat, according to Dr. Rose Private Hospital’s dietitian, Nóra Galló.