
Legfrissebb híreink: újdonságok, aktualitások, interjúk, sajtómegjelenések, a Dr. Rose Magánkórház mindennapjai.

Do all you can to fight dementia - Dementia Prevention Program

Dementia is a syndrome characterized by mental decline, degeneration, and ultimately dementia, i.e., a retrogression from a certain cognitive and intellectual level. It is caused by the progression of a serious brain disease that impairs memory, thinking, orientation, understanding, recognition and calculation skills, thus changing both personality and behavior. Dementia typically affects people over 60 years of age, but it can occur at a younger age. The main risk factors for dementia are certain chronic diseases – such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney failure, obesity and other metabolic and hormonal diseases –, however the development of dementia is also closely linked to lifestyle.

Dr. Rose Private Hospital has been refurbished and expanded

At Dr. Rose Private Hospital, which offers an ever-expanding range of services, visitors can experience outstanding professional standards and personalized, unique care, all in the comfort of a luxury hotel setting. The expansion of the hospital's inpatient department and its elegantly designed client area on the eighth floor were completed at the end of 2023.

Prostate cancer: easy to screen and curable

For ourselves and for our families: it's worth getting screened after the age of 40!
Every year, between 4,000 and 4,500 Hungarian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. In Hungary, it causes the death of 1,000 men every year, even though it is easy to detect and curable. What does Dr. József Varga, urologist at Dr. Rose Private Hospital, recommend for Men's Health Awareness Month?

November offer from our dental partner

Dr. Rose Private Hospital's dental partner, VitalCenter Margitsziget, is offering its priority partners special discounts on the price of check-ups and preventive treatments as part of November's dental month. One of the most important tasks of dentistry is the prevention of serious dental problems, which is why in November, interested patients are offered free consultations and panoramic x-rays.

Breast cancer is preventable and curable

"Thanks to our latest developments, Dr. Rose Private Hospital is able to offer the full spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in breast diagnostics, from the first screening test to oncoplastic surgery. For us, the most important thing is that if we find a lesion, we can fully evaluate our patients and support them at every stage of their recovery," emphasizes Dr. Kornél Papik, CEO of Dr. Rose Private Hospital.

How do we combat the uncertainty that surrounds us?

The events of recent times have placed our society under a great deal of stress and psychological strain. The constant, virtually unstoppable development of technology has increased the pace of our lives, which means increased demands and pressures not only at work but also day-to-day. Added to this is the pandemic that has disrupted our normal lives, followed by then the war in neighboring Ukraine, with its economic consequences that affect us all. In the midst of this difficult period, we interviewed Dr Erika Kopacz, psychiatrist at Dr. Rose Private Hospital.

Mask wearing is compulsory

In accordance with the information from the National Chief Medical Officer, in health care institutions the wearing of masks is compulsory in the rooms used for patient care (clinics, wards) and areas open to patient traffic (waiting rooms, corridors). If necessary, masks will be provided for our patients.


Our radiology department uses state-of-the-art digital x-ray equipment, a mammograph for tomosynthesis and stereotactic sampling in addition to conventional procedures, and high-end ultrasound equipment.

Responsibility and awareness

"Responsibility in this sphere is definitely a keyword. Our VIP clients live their lives with a high degree of awareness, hence they also use healthcare accordingly." – Dr. habil. Ádám Lelbach, Dr. Rose Private Hospital’s Chief of Internal Medicine and head of the VIP department describes the hospital’s VIP card service.