Childhood behavioral disorder package

Our childhood behavioral disorder package aims to detect and alleviate early emotional and behavioral control problems (regulatory disorders) and relationship difficulties, thus supporting a balanced parent-child relationship and the possibility of harmonious development. 

A regulatory disorder is nothing more than a behavioral anomaly of infancy and early childhood. Difficulties concerning nutrition, digestion/toileting and sleeping/waking routines could appear, but excessive crying and difficulties achieving calm can also characterize this period. Later this can be accompanied by difficulties paying attention, connecting with peers and processing stimuli. 

Disorder occurs when the appearance, intensity and duration of such a problem exceeds the limits of ‘normal’ development and/or is not expected to be resolved without external assistance. Situations and problems which are particularly difficult for parents and considered untreatable or intolerable can also be included, regardless of their clinical relevance. 

Regulatory disorders  

  • Sleeping disorders 

Difficulties establishing a sleeping routine including inducing daytime naps and night-time sleep, falling asleep, sleeping through the night. This includes frequent awakenings, difficulty returning to sleep. 

  • Eating, feeding, growing problems, disorders  

Many problems can occur in connection with breastfeeding, eating, feeding, growing. For example, the infant/toddler eats an insufficient amount; rejects food; eat only certain foods; ingests only liquid or pulp; eats, but grows little or not at all; shows no interest in eating, food, etc.  

  • Crying problems, chronic restlessness  

The baby cries much more than average or is impossible or very difficult to soothe. This is often associated with sleep problems, inconsolable nocturnal crying. 

  • Constipation, stool retention  

In cases where there is either no biological or medical reason behind a child’s constipation or stool retention, or a reason exists but its solution does not alleviate the problem, then psychological and/or lifestyle complicating factors are in the background. Over time the problem often gets worse. 

  • Attachment problems, disorders
  • Excessive sibling jealousy 
  • Excessive defiance, uncontrollable tantrums
  • Excessive fear of separation (separation anxiety)

Solving this complex problem (early detection, prevention and a focused interaction with the relationship) requires interdisciplinary and specific professional help. Our method is integrated, based on attachment theory and a systems theory, interaction-focused, as well as emphasizing a psychodynamic mindset, with joint video analysis and the use of parent education. 

In most cases of regulatory disorders (sleeping, eating, growth, crying, toileting, development problems) a medical examination is required before/alongside the consultation so that any biological or medical background to the problem is ruled out or brought to light. 

Our specially-assembled investigation package will help detect and treat regulatory disorders in infants and children.  

Our childhood behavioral disorder package includes:  

  • Pediatric (endocrinology, metabolic, pulmonology focused) basic examination to exclude organic disease  
  • Targeted lab test  
  • Child abdominal ultrasound  
  • Ultrasound of the child's skull until the close of the fontanelle (approximately 8 months of age)  
  • 3 x 1-hour regulatory disorder consultations 

Where necessary additional regulatory disorder consultations and testing is available subject to the pediatrician’s recommendation, in accordance with the Dr. Rose price list.