Gynecological surgeries

In our hospital it is also possible to perform gynecological surgeries, most of which can be performed on an outpatient basis or in the form of one-day care. After outpatient surgeries, a few hours of observation are usually sufficient, and during one-day surgical care, our patients can return home within 24 hours of their arrival.


During the modernization of surgery, some of the earlier exploratory surgeries can now be performed endoscopically, which is much less stressful for the patient and provides faster healing with fewer complications.

Surgical operations are always preceded by a detailed and careful examination. The goal of the examination is to get the patient into the operating room in the best possible condition, so that the healing is faster and the number of complications is significantly reduced.

Our main gynecological surgeries:

  • Curettage
  • Curretage and polyp removal
  • Excision/Marsupialization Bartholin gland abscess
  • Conisation and curettage
  • Cesarean section, vaginal delivery
  • Cesarean Section - twin pregnancies
  • Diagnostic hysteroscopy
  • Posterior vaginoplasty
  • Procured abortion
  • Interruptio (12-14. weeks)
  • Labiaplasty
  • Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy 
  • Laparoscopic tubal exploration
  • Loop conisation
  • Hysterectomy
  • Anterior and posterior vaginoplasty
  • D&C for missed abortion
  • Vaginal b.tox