The PolyWatch Sleep Screener is a sleep monitoring device that can be used to easily and reliably identify patients with severe breathing-related sleep disorders (sleep apnea) requiring further treatment.
PolyWatch Sleep Screener
With the portable PolyWatch device, sleep can be examined in the comfort of your home, easily and painlessly, to detect sleep-wake cycles, possible breathing interruptions while asleep and consequent oxygen deficiency conditions.
It is a one-night examination in which the patient is fitted with a small, multi-channel, wrist-worn monitor that uses smart connections to monitor the sleep-disordered patient's parameters for 6-7 hours: breathing movements, airflow, snoring at the nose and mouth, blood oxygen levels at the fingertips, and heart rate in different sleep positions.
Wearing a PolyWatch Sleep Screener is easy and comfortable, with no strain or restrictions on the body, neither on evening habits (e.g., eating) nor on sleep. The device can be used even if you sleep on your stomach and your regular sleeping pill can still be taken for the night of the measurement. Drinking alcohol on the day of the measurement is not recommended as it may negatively affect the readings.
The detailed sleep parameters measured will always be evaluated by a sleep specialist. Depending on the results, our ear, nose and throat and/or pulmonary specialists will determine any further tests that may be necessary, e.g., sleep endoscopy, polysomnography sleep study, and treatments such as CPAP device wear, or surgery.
It is also recommended for people with sleep disorders, suspected respiratory sleep disorders and for snorers who want to decide on further investigations or some kind of intervention. In the event of a serious breathing-related sleep disorder, it may also be necessary to issue a medical certificate for a driver's license.