
We help you navigate the complex world of health: exciting articles and videos with the help of our experts.

When eyes become itchy, watery and inflamed

The seasonal allergy caused by pollen can last until the end of September, and it does not spare the eyes, with the main symptoms affecting the eyes being itching, watering and redness. Here we have summarized the advice of Dr. Mariann Balázsy, an ophthalmologist at Dr. Rose Private Hospital, on allergic conjunctivitis. It is worth taking the symptoms seriously, as allergic conjunctivitis can easily become infected and develop into bacterial or viral conjunctivitis.

The change of life in unchanged harmony

One hundred years ago, many people still thought menopause was a disease, but we now know for sure that menopause - the loss of fertility - is not a disease but a natural process, and at the same time a release for many, as they no longer have to worry about pregnancy and menstruation. The symptoms of menopause can also be severe and difficult to tolerate. Dr. Henrik Gabulya, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Dr. Rose Private Hospital, outlines possible solutions.

Do you often feel dizzy? It's time to see a doctor!

Dizziness is one of the most common complaints that patients see a neurologist with, according to Dr. Sándor Ilniczky. We asked Dr. Rose Private Hospital’s neurologist what might be considered dizziness, as almost everyone understood the term differently.

Advice for heart conditions

Cardiovascular diseases account for about 50-60 percent of all deaths in Hungary, with most caused by atherosclerosis. If the coronary artery becomes calcified, it can lead to a heart attack; if the cerebral vessels calcify, a cerebral infarction, or stroke, can occur. Of course, our heart can be attacked by other diseases, but just like atherosclerosis, most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented, the risk of developing them can be reduced, and more and more advanced therapies can prevent a serious condition once the problem has occurred. Dr. Éva Junger, head of outpatient care at Dr. Rose Private Hospital, internist, cardiologist, and occupational health specialist, outlines the details.

Why it matters how your head aches

Most of us have had a headache at some time in our lives. Some of us are constantly plagued by them, for others headaches are rarer. But can a headache mean maybe we are ill? Or are we suffering a recurrent pain for which no medical cause can be found? Which complaints and symptoms cannot be waved away or treated with a painkiller, and when must we see a doctor? These questions are answered by Dr. Sándor Ilniczky, Dr. Rose Private Hospital’s neurologist.

It's never too late to start doing sports - choose the right one for your age!

More and more studies highlight that one of the biggest risk factors for various diseases is a sedentary lifestyle. Through sports, many diseases can be prevented, but we also need to know which form of movement is best suited to our age group and temperament. Dr. György Márk Hangody, an orthopedic traumatologist at Dr. Rose Private Hospital, looks at the most common orthopedic problems of each age group, the most suitable sports for them, and their beneficial effects.

Insulin resistance: help is at hand

You are not feeling well, you’ve started to gain weight and can’t lose it even though you are dieting, you have become more tired and sweaty, you get irritated by things for no good reason and sometimes you can't control your appetite - these are the typical complaints that a patient with insulin resistance presents at the endocrinology clinic. These symptoms were described by Dr. Illés Gyula Balogh, Dr. Rose Private Hospital’s endocrinologist and gynecologist, who has had many positive experiences helping infertile couples, indeed often his patients become pregnant after a few months’ treatment, hence his desk is decorated with countless mugs bearing baby photos. We discussed the identification, testing, dangers and healing of insulin resistance with him.

What tests are required before plastic surgeries?

At Dr. Rose Private Hospital, we perform preoperative examinations for plastic surgery at the same time and place, making it unnecessary for patients to attend different appointments at different places. We detail these examinations here.

Winter sports injuries: prevention and treatment

It is a huge thrill to slide down a snowy mountainside or glide over ice wearing ice skates. However, it doesn’t hurt to know the dangers of winter sports. What are the typical winter sports accidents, what symptoms should we take seriously, when should we see a doctor, and how can we avoid or prevent these dangers? We asked Dr. László Rudolf Hangody, Dr. Rose Private Hospital’s orthopedic traumatologist, about this.