
The skin of the thigh sags with age, but weight loss can cause a similar problem too. During thighplasty, our plastic surgeon removes excess adipose tissue (subcutaneous body fat) and part of the stretched skin, thus regaining a taut effect on this part of the body.

When is thighplasty warranted?

Under the age of 40, the fatty tissue that has accumulated on the thighs can mostly be removed by liposuction, in which case the skin remains toned and tight. However, as we age, the elasticity of the skin of the thighs also decreases, and the connective tissue weakens and sags. Due to fluctuations in body weight or considerable weight loss, particularly over the age of 40, loose skin on the inner thighs can no longer draw back by itself, so this can only be corrected with plastic surgery. After thighplasty, you will once again boast tight, shapely thighs.

What happens during the first consultation?

During your personal consultation our plastic surgeon will examine you and, based on their references, show you what your expected best outcome will be if you decide to have surgery. The surgeon will inform you about the extent of the necessary correction, explain the procedure and also show the exact location of the necessary incisions.

Preparing for surgery

As with all surgeries, prior to thighplasty you will need to have a full examination, which includes laboratory tests and, if necessary, other tests (e.g., ECG and x-ray). In our private hospital, we perform all the necessary tests at the same time to save you time and make your preparations for thighplasty more convenient. You will then also receive some lifestyle tips to help you prepare for surgery and to speed up your recovery. These include quitting smoking - at least temporarily - as nicotine slows the healing processes, consuming adequate amounts of fluids, vitamins and trace elements (vitamin C, selenium, zinc) and avoiding the use of aspirin, ginkgo biloba and other natural remedies, because these affect blood clotting.

What happens during surgery?

Excess fat is removed by our plastic surgeon via vacuum liposuction, and to tighten the skin, incisions are made alongside the pubic mound, on the bikini line and the thigh fold, so that the scars can remain hidden afterwards. Only absorbable sutures are used throughout, sparing you the inconvenience of later suture removal. The procedure, under anesthesia, takes 2-2.5 hours. If only liposuction is required, the excess fat tissue is removed by the plastic surgeon through thin tubes 4-6 mm in diameter, with vacuum suction, through 1 cm hidden incisions. Liposuction is also performed under anesthesia, taking 1-1.5 hours.

Recovery, regeneration

After thighplasty, you may - if necessary - spend one or two nights in our private hospital, where you can relax in pleasant and comfortable surroundings. The surgical area should not be exposed to water for one week. You will need to wear the special compression dressing - which we provide for you - for six weeks. During the first two weeks you should avoid all strenuous physical activity, long walks, as well as splaying the legs. After two weeks you can gradually resume your previous rhythm of life, and after three weeks light exercise is allowed. Neither the solarium, sunbathing, nor the sauna are advised for two months. Our plastic surgeon will call you back for a postoperative examination at specified intervals. The visible scars disappear after approximately 6 months, the subcutaneous ones within 2 years. Although we try to screen for all risk factors during preoperative thighplasty, unforeseen complications can occur. At the first consultation your plastic surgeon will inform you about these and how to avoid them.