Pediatric endocrinology

Endocrinology deals with disorders of the endocrine glands (the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands, ovaries, testicles, and part of the pancreas). Pediatric endocrinological diseases differ from adult diseases in many respects, as the disease processes affect a growing and developing organism. Disorders of the hormonal system also affect the metabolism (disorders of body weight, energy expenditure, etc.) and the functioning of many other organ systems (nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system, etc.), hence there can be a wide range of consequences.

When and with what kind of complaints should you consult an endocrinologist?

Disorders of certain endocrine organs and hormonal systems can occur in the form of malfunction and overactivity, and in both cases characteristic diseases can develop in childhood. These include disorders of growth and development (stunted growth or overgrowth syndrome, early or late adolescence, decreased intellectual performance), and changes in body weight (leanness, obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome). Other associated diseases may affect glycemic control (type 1 and type 2 diabetes), sexual function (polycystic ovary syndrome, excessive hair growth), or lead to thyroid dysfunction (various symptoms of hormone deficiency or overload), adrenal cortex disorders (blood pressure, salt and fluid retention disorders), and changes in bone mineral density (fragility, osteoporosis) to name but a few.

Disorders of the hormonal system and metabolism are among the most common lesions in childhood. Diseases that are not recognized and not treated in time will later lead to irreversible complications and associated diseases, such as central nervous system dysfunction, infertility, early atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, etc. In this sense, detection, prevention and timely treatment in childhood and adolescence are essential and require state-of-the-art testing.

What tests are available for endocrine diseases?

In addition to the precise basic tests (body sizes, body compositions, body proportions), targeted diagnostics are possible in our institute, during which we perform laboratory examinations (hormone levels’ baseline and stress tests), monitoring of metabolic parameters (glycemic control) and imaging procedures (x-ray, ultrasound) to establish an accurate diagnosis. With the right diagnosis, modern, individualized treatments (hormone replacement, nutrition and lifestyle therapy) are available and our patients can be monitored and cared for on a long-term basis if required.

How should you arrive for the examination?

We ask you to please bring any previous documentation related to the illness or complaints.